Friday, May 08, 2009

發高燒的 Danny Boy


This song is about Danny Boy who has been called upon
by the army to fight for his country:

"The pipes are calling
'Tis I'll be here in sunshine or in shadow
And I shall hear, tho' soft you tread above me
And all my dreams will warm and sweeter be
If you'll not fail to tell me that you love me"

Parents can only pray that their son shall return home safely,
but the war is long and never ending.
But their hope never subsides.

我的新愛是 Jacintha 的演繹,
當然, 最愛的依然是 Jheena Lodwick 的版本!
I'm soooooo immersed in the lyrics:
"I'll be the sushine and in shadow"
(強烈表達出那種牽腸掛肚, 默默等候, 期盼歸回之深遠情懷!)

當她把音調 hold 在某時空......仿彿身邊一切都頓住 (suspensed)!
Oh! 這是甚麼感覺! 是期盼? 是哀求? 是禱告?
莫非, 這就是我發燒的原因嗎?!

1 comment:

Zoe Leung said...

This is another very good version of Danny boy.